Internet play's a great part in our lives. Today that rule stands for the ages 12-40, a couple of generations later will be the 8-80. So it probably is a good time we start wondering what is we gain and what is we lose from being a netizen. How does it reacts confronting our mind and how our nature and soul.
Nov 24, 2008
All we gain in knowledge - Everything we lose in humanity
Teen Kills Self on (Article published on
Police in Pembroke Pines, Florida, are investigating the apparent suicide of a 19-year-old whose death was seen on a live feed, a Broward County dispatcher said. According to published reports, the teen's death, broadcast Tuesday evening, was from an overdose. Video watchers called the authorities, who broke into his residence. About 185 people were viewing the feed on the San Francisco-based live-streaming service. But the teen apparently announced his pending suicide on a bodybuilding chat forum, left a suicide note, and viewers were said to have egged him on. CEO Michael Seibel said in an e-mail: "We regret that this has occurred and respect the privacy of the broadcaster and his family during this time. We have policies in place to discourage the distribution of distressing content, and our community monitors the site accordingly. This content was flagged by our community, reviewed, and removed according to our terms of service." Public suicides are common. People jump off buildings and bridges. Suicides now have veered to another public arena: the internet. A British man suffered the same fate two years ago after being goaded to hang himself while in a webcam chatroom. And the net is also a known area to organize suicide pacts. Yet internet suicides are different from the old-fashioned public ones. It's hard to decipher what's real on the internet. It's unknown what viewers were thinking when they saw a police officer prodding this Florida teen to see if he was alive. Online viewers' chat comments at that moment ranged from OMG to LOL. The comments on this blog, however, tell another story. Most who commented fell in the line with our first commentator, who wrote: "hahaha hahahahha hahahahahah ahhaha." Somebody else wrote: "Instant Darwinism..." and the follow up comment was: "fucking a nicely put." Others called the teen a "coward," "faggot" and a "dick." Still, this rare anomaly of a comment on our Threat Level blog seemed to sum up an online teen-ager's suicide: if this was your child or your brother I'd doubt you'd find this funny at all. Killing yourself leaves a path of destruction behind for you loved ones to cleanup. The internet adds a layer of anonymity that makes people behave irrationally and in most public forums seems to bring out the worst in us because of it. Youtube comments is an example of just how bad we treat each other when you don't have a real identity attached and therefore no real consequences (in most cases) Moving on. is an open network of thousands of live streaming channels. The network, named after Justin Kan, its first star, has been the target of pranksters and hackers. Soon after launched, viewers played a prank on Kan, calling the cops from his cellphone to report a stabbing. With guns drawn, the authorities broke into Kan's apartment to the delight of viewers.By David KravetsNovember 20, 2008 | 8:29:37 PM
Nov 22, 2008
Μιλτιάδης Πασχαλίδης - Συβαρίτισσα
Αυτή γύρω στα 65 και αυτός 19. Ατελείωτες ώρες συζητήσεων περί μυθολογίας κ.α.
Μια μέρα πήγε στο σπίτι της έχοντας σκοπό να της εξομολογηθεί τον ερωτά του, αλλά είδε πόρτες και παράθυρα κλειστά. Η Λίλη δεν ήταν πια εκεί. Είχε πετάξει πια ψηλά πολύ ψηλά. Είχε φύγει την προηγούμενη μέρα.
Nov 17, 2008
Νοέμβρης 1973 - Πολυτεχνείο
Nov 15, 2008
Ρίτα Αντωνοπούλου - Η αρχή
Ήταν ένα Σαββατόβραδο πριν δυο χρόνια, παραδοσιακά ετοιμαζόμουν να βγω και είχα στήσει και κόσμο οπότε σε χρόνο dt μαζεύω τα μπογαλάκια μου και πηγαίνω προς την πόρτα. Η τηλεόραση ήταν ανοιχτή και έπαιζε την εκπομπή του Παπαδόπουλου. Λέω καληνύχτα και βιαστικά πιάνω το χερούλι της πόρτας.
Nov 11, 2008
Die Welle - Το κύμα
Όταν μια ταινία σε διδάσκει για την διαχείριση της μάζας αλλά και τις παράξενες τάσεις της ανθρώπινης φύσης σε 101' λεπτά μπορείς να νιώθεις τυχερός (και επηρεασμένος αρκετά για να το ανεβάσεις στο Blog σου ξημερώματα).