Mar 1, 2008

1001+1 internet services

Lately, I keep getting a new invitation every day for joining another super-duper-exciting-innovative Internet service that will forever change the way you surf and think of the net.

Sometimes I get excited, some others I am so damn bored of just clicking again to find a service which you need to read 3 pages to understand its way of use, which I don't have the courage to do so anymore...
Nowadays, every single idea or last night's bad dream ends up in a new developed service, new ambitious developers-dreamers-entrepreneurs drop like flies, that’s the real freedom of the Internet.

So we are in a continues loop of evaluating new products, and I mention most of my findings on what the Internet offers in "centralized" & user-oriented services...

Please help me out in WHICH DOES WHAT WHICH DOES WHAT OR YOUR EXPERIENCE EFFECT (Can't expect it all from one poor mind).
So, lets start:

Popular Services:

  1. ActiveRain

  2. bebo

  3. Blogger

  4. delicious

  5. digg

  6. ebay

  7. facebook

  8. flickr

  9. friendfeed

  10. friendster

  11. Google calendar

  12. jaiku

  13. Jumpcut

  14. kiva

  15. lastfm

  16. linkedin

  17. LiveJournal

  18. multiply

  19. myspace

  20. netflix

  21. openid

  22. plaxo

  23. pownce

  24. secondlife

  25. shelfari

  26. stumbleupon

  27. technorati

  28. textamerica

  29. thedjlist

  30. 30 boxes

  31. trulia

  32. tumblr

  33. twitter

  34. typekey

  35. upcoming

  36. wakoopa

  37. wink

  38. yelp

  39. youtube

  40. zillow

  41. zorpia


Teo said...

I know that
Linked in is online business contacts and opportunities. Best at its territory.

Teo said...

Facebook is the biggest trend nowadays, a contact/chat meeting people-tool with huge search engine for finding people.

Personally, I would say its a dating service disguised at its best

Teo said...

Fickr uploading and sharing pictures, I was very impressed when I first discovered it.

Second life, is an online game where you can do EVERYTHING that you can or wish you could live in your physical life

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